Brown Teds II |
5 Lil' Beanbags I know, there's a white one and a gray one in there, but the majority is brown. Anyway, these 5 darling little guys are all Wal-Mart acquisitions that I think were only $2.97 each. They have exceptionally soft, wavy plush with a chenille-like feel to it.
Who could be cuter for just a dollar? These dollar-store finds are each holding a tiny little "suede" drawstring bag to keep a tiny treasure in. Each is about 3" tall.
An isty-bitsy clip-on bear from Publix supermarket. |
On a
shelf by the entrance to my kitchen sit Um and friends. Um is in
the center,and Hum is on the left. Both are wearing little snowflake
vests. The little frowning schoolboy teddy has a tiny cap and backpack
that is a change purse. He was given to me by my amazingly adventurous
friend Kathy, who at the time of this writing is in the Navy and
in Italy.
Shaggy Shaggy is definitely that. An ebay aquisition, he came to me floppy as a pancake and almost as flat, due to the coolapse of his stuffing--he contained the typical 70's foam rubber and styrofoam pellets. After yanking all this stuff out, I restuffed him with poly-fil and he is nice and plump again. He is identical in style and make to one of my childhood bears, Rolo (on the special friends page). Only his size and color is different. |
Spangle Spangle has the same shape as Shaggy and could have been made in the same factory. He has a pompom nose, and no tags or marks whatsoever, though, and the typical 70's "spangle" eyes. If you look closely at this type of eye you will see a black starburst pattern surrounding the pupil and crossing into the colored part of the eye. Very nice "realistic" effect for its time, and charming to see on older bears.
Ex Libris This is another example of a bear who moved to another room without my knowledge. Upon preparing for a visit from my mother-in-law I got this nice little magazine rack to go in the guest room and filled it with books. The next week this bear, a flospy, unjointed bear by Gund for Target, appeared in the rack, too.
. Barnum This is a circus souvenir that I found at GoodWill. I hate circuses but he's still a nice toy, and since it's second-hand the circus isn't getting my money. And I'll be brief about why I hate circuses: I hate wild animals being made to stupid tricks, and I also hate that they are put into situations where, if they got fed up and swiped or mauled a trainer, they would be shot for the safety of the crowd. Face it--it happens, to elephants in particular. I don't care how much it's touted as "family entertainment", it further emphasizes to kids that animals are put here for our entertainment, and when they turn around and act true to their nature they deserve to die. And don't email me saying "Well, how else do you stop a stampeding elephant?" Yes, you dope, I know there's no other way but to shoot it. But if the elephant weren't in that position in the first place there wouldn't BE a stampeding elephant. |
Butterwalk Butterwalk is BIG--over 2 feet tall, and wonderfully soft and flopsy. He is a nice butterscotch color, and is from WalMart. He came in dark brown, and I think white, too. |
Disaster-Day Frankie A funny story goes with this one. One weekend day in fall 2000, I was on my way to later meet a friend when, having some time to kill,I stopped at a local flea market. It was the usual fare that day--nothing but NASCAR and toys bought from Target and WalMart to be marked up three times the original amount and sold as "rare collectors items". But, on my way out, I passed a booth that actually had old items, toys, furniture and such, and HAD to take a look. There, all alone on a top shelf, was this blue-eyed handsome guy, staring down at me. I walked over, took him down, and saw his price--$5. Not bad. However, I knew I only had $3 in my purse. I asked the lady at the front cashier I she would take $3, but it was one of those "I just run the register and the lady that owns the booth ain't here" kind of situations. So I said, hang on, I'll go to an ATM and get the cash." I left and went to a gas station down the street, went in and put my card in the ATM. It spit it out twice, then finally took it. And processed. And processed. Finally, after holding my card for several minutes it spit it out again and THEN told me it was Out of Order. Not to be defeated, I took my card and drove to another gas station further down the street. ATM transaction went just fine, but as I walked back out to my car, a pickup truck driver backed over a 12-pack of coke that he had left by his passenger-side tire, and the cokes exploded---all over me..... But, I had my money, and, with soggy, coke-filled jeans and shoes and socks I plugged my way back to the flea market, with a ten dollar bill. The cashier then asked me if I had any smaller bills... |
Old Tired Tardy This extremely worn-out little guy was a favorite toy when I was little, given to me by my dad. He is palm-size, with tiny felt limbs (that obviously barely made it) and those neat 70's spangle eyes. Dad was always a great "bringing home a surprise from work" kinda guy. I think this was one of those surprises. |
Target Oatmeal Well, he's from Target and he looks just like oatmeal---what can I say? |
. Eva and Zsa Zsa Cute, cute cute little Target Store beanbag bears in their own tiny faux-fur coats! |
Rudy I am currently purchasing Rudy through ebay. Here is a little bit about him, from his previous owner: I am selling Rudy only because of his size. Right now we live in a large 2-story home, but we will be moving to a small 1-floor home in South Carolina. I just cannot take every bear I own. That's the main reason I've been slowly listing some on ebay. It's very hard to part with Rudy because he has been in my bedroom since 1953. He did spend some time in my children's rooms when they were babies. But he is just such a large bear. I have 2 other teddies from my childhood plus a couple of my old dolls. All of them are smaller, and I'm keeping them. I also have my brother's Character teddy from 1947. So you see I am still keeping lots of sentimental favorites! I probably would have put Rudy in my garage sale since he didn't sell on ebay, or else I would have tried to keep him, I don't know. Anyway, I'm very pleased that Rudy will live with you and all your wonderful bears--Rudy's such a good boy & he deserves to live among teddy bear friends in his old age! After writing his former owner and saying, "yes, he IS big", she sent me this funny letter:
WalMart Softies These are two WalMart cuties with adorable faces and nice shimmery bows. They are the same super-soft but unusual textured plush as the "Heart Chest and Heart Bow" bears on the Valentine page. |
"Bearspot" by Gund I saw this in a catalog in the 80's, but never got it. I found this very worn example at Goodwill. |
Candy Pretty basic name, I know, but I got this pretty fellow at the CHarlotte Airport candy store. |
"Chocolate Truffles" by Gund Larger bear I received as a Christmas present in the 80's. This bear also sat in our den for a long time. I didn't even know a smaller size existed until I started going on ebay. |
Hairybare Yes, he does have eyes! This extremely fuzzy bear was another Goodwill purchase. |
Oompah One of my very bestest friends, Kathy, brought me this great little guy from Germany. |
Pancake That's just about what he is...I felt so sorry for this little guy I saw in the Goodwill toy bin I had to buy him. He has obviously received a lot of love from someone, and for him to just be discarded like an old shoe is also very sad to me. Shrine Bear Another "felt sorry" aquisition, this bear sat on the side of the road for days at one of those shrines they build when someone dies in a car accident. I know this may seem insensitive to the mourners, but toys, in my opinion, should not be for sitting on the side of the road to be rained on and get mud slopped on them and faded from the sun day after day. Flowers I could understand, but the constant layering of teddy bears and other stuffed toys where someone dies on the highway just makes no sense to me. I cut out an article about the accident and I keep it with this bear.
Two-Fifty Rushton & Co. A trip to a dusty old flea market yielded this unpriced teddy from a dark, filthy, cluttery booth. The booth owner was not present so I wandered around the stupid flea market trying to find someone in authority to give me a price on him. Upon finally finding someone they said they could not sell me the teddy without a price. After receiving a small display of my aggravation they finally gave me the $2.50 price. |
"Schotzi"by Gund Another 80's Christmas gift, this unusual Gund teddy is still one of my favorites. I have no idea what they had in mind when they made those spotted feet, but they are so cool. The rope cord leash around his neck is also an interesting touch. |
Mocha Mocha has one of the best smiles in my collection. Recently bought at Toys R Us, he is an example, to me, of a good quality classic unjointed teddy. He is a lovely color--a kind of brownish grey, with a cream-colored sewn-on bow. |
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